

Tag Search - 'Gluten Free Meals Delivered'

We remain open for business!

We remain open for business!

The COVID-19 virus is having a significant impact here in Australia and around the world. With everything going on, it’s understandable if you feel stressed, or begin to worry about how you will take care of the basics, including keeping you and your loved ones fed with healthy and nutritious meals.

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Don’t forget the healthy food choices this Easter!

Don’t forget the healthy food choices this Easter!

Easter here in Australia is usually characterised by lots and lots of chocolate. In general, we eat so much chocolate and sugary products that it’s contributing to our obesity epidemic. More than 60% of Australian adults and one in four children suffer from the ill-effects from excessive sugar consumption.

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How to get your health and budget back on track in the New Year

How to get your health and budget back on track in the New Year

The holiday season is a great time for enjoying entertainment, recreation and time with family and friends. After the busyness of the festive period begins to settle down, however, the distractions of family, fun and food fade away and we return to our regular routines.

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Making change happen now

Making change happen now

Looking back at 2019, it has proven to be a disastrous year with regards to droughts and bush fires causing such destruction and hardship for so many. Our farmers are leaving the land in droves and food prices, as a result, are going through the roof. Water restrictions are being put in place, Victoria has been declared a State of Disaster and NSW a State of Emergency. An unprecedented number of lives has been lost, and there is a widely reported estimate that close to a billion animals have perished as a result of the devastating fires.

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‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season

The festive season is here yet again and with the new decade just around the corner, there’s never been more reason to celebrate! This Christmas season, we have got some exciting new FESTIVE FLAVOURS and irresistible offers for you and your family to enjoy. The Gourmet Meals Christmas Promotion starts today and goes through until the 20th December 2019. This Christmas we will be delivering new delectable festive flavours your way.

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Fight the flu with healthy eating

Fight the flu with healthy eating

Flu season is upon us, and many of our family members are at a high risk of getting sick including; children under the age of 5, pregnant women, people who suffer from heart disease, liver or kidney disease, and adults who are 65 years and older.

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Delivering a Fresh New Look

Delivering a Fresh New Look

There’s no better feeling than a makeover or a fresh new look, and that’s exactly how we’re feeling about our delivery trucks. With our fresh new look, our valued customers can expect to see our trusted, friendly drivers, some who have been with us for up to 12 years!

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Beating the heat this Summer

Beating the heat this Summer

Australia is a beautiful country and, without a doubt, one of the most liveable, however, we do experience some extremely high temperatures at times, especially during the frequently occurring Summer heat waves.

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Stick to your new year’s resolutions with Gourmet Meals

Stick to your new year’s resolutions with Gourmet Meals

So it’s the 3rd of January and you’ve already slipped up on your new year’s resolution? This is one of the most common occurrences as we tend to make overly ambitions resolutions for the new year

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Gourmet Meals is an Approved Meal Provider with the NDIS

Gourmet Meals is an Approved Meal Provider with the NDIS

Gourmet Meals is proud to announce that it is now an approved and registered provider of meals for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which has started rolling out in Brisbane and South East Queensland from 1st of July

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