

Incorporate These Immune-Boosting Foods into Your Regular Eating Routine

Incorporate These Immune-Boosting Foods into Your Regular Eating Routine

Incorporate These Immune-Boosting Foods into Your Regular Eating Routine

The overall function of the immune system is to prevent or limit infection. Although it works properly most of the time, it also fails sometimes. When it’s weak or can’t fight particularly aggressive germs, we become sick.

So, how can we boost our immune system and prevent illness?

While the immune system is there for a reason, we can’t expect it to do all the work. To be able to effectively protect our body, it could use a little support from us too. This includes things like exercising, getting enough sleep, soaking up some sunshine (vitamin D), not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, reducing stress, and last not but not least, maintaining a healthy diet.

No one specific food is a silver bullet for an optimised immune function, but the following have been studied for their potential to boost the immune system.

1. Garlic

A.K.A. the “immunity-boosting superstar,” garlic’s high sulfur content explains the bulb’s ability to reduce your risk of catching a cold or flu. It also contains other nutrients that have been shown to be good for your health and may help increase your immunity.

2. Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is well-known for its role in supporting a healthy immune system. As an antioxidant, it is beneficial in preventing diseases. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are excellent sources of vitamin C.

3. Ginger

In many countries, ginger and its derived products are used to strengthen the immune system apart from being a staple in their kitchens. Studies have shown, that behind the immune-boosting power of ginger are its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can prevent and fight off viral, bacterial and other infections.

4. Almonds

Almonds pack a dense nutritional punch to benefit you and your body. They are rich in zinc and vitamin E which play an important role in reducing inflammation and maintaining immune function. Add a handful of almonds to your family’s diet today and see how it does the trick.

5. Greek Yoghurt

As if we don’t have enough reasons to love this dairy product, it turns out that Greek yoghurt is considered an immune-boosting super ingredient. It is rich in probiotics and contains vitamins like vitamin A, C, and B complex that can improve the immune system and maintain a healthy gut.

6. Turmeric

Turmeric is not dubbed “the brilliant golden spice” for nothing. Apart from giving curry that delicious taste, it also has some seriously powerful health properties. It has shown anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body and protect it from free radicals.

7. Green Leafy Vegetables

We know the drill all too well; “eat your veggies because they are good for you”. Vegetables, especially cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, and leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and bok choy, are a great source of antioxidants and phytochemicals which are key in having a healthy immune system. They are also known to rapidly improve the immune system of older people.

Whilst there are other things you can do to build immunity, eating right is a great start. With Gourmet Meals’ wide selection of tasty and healthy, nutritionally balanced ready-made meals, you can make healthier food choices while actually enjoying what you eat. Because we believe that variety is key to proper nutrition, we offer a huge variety of meals—made fresh and served in individually controlled portions—to help you get the recommended daily allowance of the vitamins and minerals you need for a healthy body and a stronger immune system.

Browse through our menu or contact us on 1300 112 112 for more information.

Tags: Immune Boosting Foods, Nutritionally Balanced Ready-made Meals, Individually Controlled Portions, Delicious And Healthy Meals, Snap-frozen Meals, Healthy Meals Delivered, Healthy Dinner Delivered, Gluten-free Meals, Balanced Diet, Gourmet Meals, Well-balanced Meals, Healthy Dishes, Portion-controlled Meals, Meals Delivered Contact Free,

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