The time comes for all of us when we need to get our parents some help at home. Whether it is due to declining health, the loss of a spouse, or simply the natural aging process, it’s inevitable for their ability to take care of themselves and perform certain tasks on their own to begin declining.
While it can be difficult to think about your parents getting older, getting them some help at home can be beneficial for both them and you. Help in the home can provide physical, social, and emotional support for your aging parents. It can also help reduce caregiver stress and burnout by allowing you some time to take care of yourself. Additionally, it can help ensure that your beloved parents are safe and comfortable as they age.
The Australian Government provides a subsidy for home support services to eligible individuals. This subsidy is designed to help offset the cost of these services, making them more affordable for those who need them.
Ultimately, eligibility will be determined based on your specific needs and circumstances. You may be eligible for services if you have:
- noticed a change in what you are or are not able to do, or what you can or can’t remember
- been diagnosed with a medical condition or reduced mobility
- experienced a recent fall or hospital admission
Assessments by healthcare providers or other professionals may be required in order to determine your eligibility for the subsidy.
Two Types of Home Support Services:
1. If you are looking for additional support with basic tasks to manage at home, the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) may be right for you. This program offers entry-level services that can help you live independently and safely in your own home. To be eligible for CHSP, you will need to undergo a Regional Assessment Service (RAS) assessment that will assess your needs and determine your eligibility.
2. If you need a lot of care and support services on an ongoing basis, you may be eligible for a Home Care Package (HCP). Home Care Packages can provide many different types of services to meet your needs, including personal and nursing care, meal preparation and diet management, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, domestic assistance, home maintenance, transportation assistance, and social support. The higher your needs are, the higher the package level—giving you access to more funding. A comprehensive assessment will be done with an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT).
The government subsidises a variety of organisations across Australia to provide care and services at an affordable price. These organisations, called Aged Care Service Providers, have access to government funding and can help you meet your care needs.
Whilst waiting for the Home Care Package that will be assigned to you, you may want to research different providers and see which ones suit your needs. You can find a list of providers on the myagedcare website or by calling 1800 200 422.
Whilst many of these services are provided directly by the home care service providers themselves, some may be outsourced to third-party vendors, such as Gourmet Meals.
At Gourmet Meals, we are proud to be a preferred supplier of ready meals for many Aged Care Service Providers. We work in partnership with Aged Care Service Providers in providing high-quality meals for their clients. Our meals are subsidised by the government, allowing the client to only pay a portion of the full price for our delicious and nutritious meals.
Note: Generally, those who are on the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) are not eligible for delivery of ready meals.
As a private service provider, Gourmet Meals is glad to have the opportunity to serve more people and make a positive impact on the quality of life for seniors in our community. To learn more about how we can help, please call us at 07 5529 3000 or 1300 112 112.
Tags: Aged Care Meals, Help At Home For The Elderly, Subsidised Meals For The Elderly, Nutritious Meals For The Elderly, ACAT, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), Regional Assessment Service (RAS), Home Care Package (HCP), Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), Meals Delivered For Aged Care, Aged Care Meals, Meals For Elderly Delivered, Healthy Frozen Meals For The Elderly