For many of us it’s no big deal to pop out to the shops at the last minute to quickly purchase that forgotten item required for the next meal. Even though many of us do lead very busy lives, it is not that difficult to jump in the car and get what’s needed. But spare a thought for the elderly and disabled for whom even thinking about having to do their weekly shopping is nothing less than a nightmare.
Reasons for this can be:
- Lack of mobility
- Inability to drive
- Physically unwell or disabled
- Mentally unable
- Too overwhelming
- Financial restrictions
The onus is then on the sons or daughters, or in some cases the carers, to take the less able amongst us grocery shopping, or, to do it for them. It can put quite a burden on the carers and this is where having ready meals delivered to the doorstep is such a great solution. Gourmet Meals can do just that with its large variety of healthy and nutritious meals to choose from. The company’s friendly drivers can even put the meals away alleviating the need to lift the heavy box of meals which is so often just left at the front door by other meal delivery companies.
For those with financial restrictions, purchasing complete individual meals from Gourmet Meals which are very competitively priced, enables the individual to budget and reduce waste. There are no left overs in the fridge at the end of the week that inadvertently get thrown out. And for many of the elderly who are on Aged Care Packages and the disabled who are on the NDIS, Gourmet Meals can be provided at a fraction of the full price. For more information on this give us a call on 1300 112 112.
Whether you yourself would appreciate some help with meals, or, you are caring for someone who does, let Gourmet Meals do all the work for you. The meals are well balanced and taste delicious; they are portion controlled, reduced in fat and salt, high in fibre and protein, some meals are free from dairy, and all are gluten free. The meals are very well priced starting at just $6.70 and are sure to save you money and your valuable time, as well as provide you with ease of mind knowing that you are getting a healthy meal.
Why not jump online with a budget that you can easily stick to and try out our menu options today? There are many delicious, wholesome meals to choose from and you are just a few clicks away to having the groceries done!
Tags: Frozen Meals For Seniors, Healthy Meals For Seniors, Meals For Elderly, Meals Delivered, Healthy Meals Delivered