While hearing the same Christmas carols playing on repeat at your local shopping centre or seeing your friend’s children posing in Santa photos, deceptively appearing well behaved may sway you to develop Grinch-like tendencies, nothing redeems the Christmas spirit like the food. Whether you have a penchant for pudding, relish a roast or savour a seafood feast, there are so many things to love about Christmas food. Here are some of the many things our team at Gourmet Meal’s love about Christmas food below:
Leftovers for days
One of the best things about Christmas food is the leftovers. While most of us consume as much food on Christmas Day as a sumo wrestler in training, it’s rare for there to be no leftovers after Christmas lunch or dinner. This is particularly good for those who have enjoyed the Christmas revelry far too much and are nursing sore heads and empty stomachs on Boxing Day!
Choice of hot or cold dining
When compared to the traditional roast and pumpkin pie served for Thanksgiving in the United States, Australian’s are a lot more relaxed with meal options at Christmas. Although some Aussie’s still prefer a turkey lunch or dinner with all the trimmings, many families opt to throw another prawn on the barbie and serve salads for a cold dining experience that allows more time to enjoy some Christmas cheer… aka a cold XXXX or VB!
Overindulging on egg nog
Unless you’re part of the die-hard fitness fraternity, egg and milk served together at any other time of the year would be considered crazy, making the popularity of egg nog at Christmas a delicious anomaly. What makes egg nog even better is because it contains milk and eggs it has enough nutrition to be a liquid meal and you can consume it at any time of the day or night leading up to Christmas, so no-one will think twice about the fact you’re drinking a rum cocktail for breakfast!
These are just a few of the things that excite us about Christmas food at Gourmet Meals. If you struggle to find time to cook leading up to Christmas or throughout the holiday period due to work or personal commitments, Gourmet Meals offers a wide range of delicious and nutritious meals that you can purchase either online or through a local distributor.
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