

Tag Search - 'Gluten Free Delivered'

Coeliac Awareness Week 2021

Coeliac Awareness Week 2021

Having a reputation to uphold after having been in business for 28 years, we are still as meticulous as ever in ensuring that our entire production area is completely free from gluten when these meals are produced in order to provide peace of mind to customers with Coeliac disease, gluten sensitivities or intolerances.

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It’s that time of year again; the stores are full of Chocolate Easter eggs, Easter bunnies, and scrumptious hot cross buns. The kids are excited for the Easter Bunny to come and pay them a visit and are ready for the Easter egg hunt to begin.

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Trust Gourmet Meals to Deliver

Trust Gourmet Meals to Deliver

“Earn trust, earn trust, earn trust. Then you can worry about the rest.” – Set Godin If there’s one thing that we have learnt from being in operations for 28 years, it’s that having a truly successful business is based on one simple concept: TRUST.

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Understanding gluten and the benefits of a gluten-free diet

Understanding gluten and the benefits of a gluten-free diet

You might have heard of gluten but not really understood exactly what it is and why it can be a dietary challenge for some people. In short, gluten is a family of proteins found in a variety of cereal grains like wheat, barley, rye and oats

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Time to explore your backyard

Time to explore your backyard

This year, Australians have been through the wringer! We've resisted droughts, fought fires and battled a global pandemic. This has really tested us, but we know that as a country we are resilient, and we will come through it all.

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Four ways to boost your mental wellbeing

Four ways to boost your mental wellbeing

Wellbeing describes a state of being comfortable, healthy or happy and it’s usually present when our body, soul and mind are all well cared for. This holistic approach to care becomes especially important as we age and our bodies begin to need extra TLC.

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National Stroke Week: Let’s all become stroke aware

National Stroke Week: Let’s all become stroke aware

The World Health Organisation estimates that there are at least 62 million stroke survivors around the world. With these statistics, it’s likely that you, or someone you know, have has been personally affected by stroke.

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What does life after Covid-19 look like?

What does life after Covid-19 look like?

COVID-19 has been a life-changing phenomenon that has altered the world as we know it. Though Australia is making good headway in the fight against this terrible virus, its effects are still being felt in our everyday lives. They will no doubt linger for many months – even years – to come.

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Celebrate and thank your Mum this Mother’s Day

Celebrate and thank your Mum this Mother’s Day

While some of us may be a bit sceptical about the origins of Mother’s Day and suspect it’s just another annual celebration dreamed up by retailers to make money, it is, in fact, a long-standing occasion celebrated right around the world.

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Supporting those with coeliac disease

Supporting those with coeliac disease

One in seventy Australians is affected by coeliac disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes painful symptoms and irritation to the body when eating gluten. There’s a reasonable chance that you – or someone you know – has coeliac disease.

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